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Writer's pictureMellissa Briley

A Conversation with the Gods: Zeus

Zeus ~ the sky dweller, the cloud gatherer, The Olympian, father of Gods and Father of Men and created the Pantheon of the Twelve Gods of Olympus.
Zeus. the sky dweller, the cloud gatherer. The Olympian, father of Gods and Father of Men and created the Pantheon of the Twelve Gods of Olympus.


Zeus had issues with his father, something many of us can relate to.

Looking through his story, the dark side of families is revealed. Cycles and patterns we are born into, generation after generation of repeated mistakes and inhibited thinking. How do we overcome, find our voice, and utilize the internal light we are born into, and with. 


Greek God Zeus

The Right to Survive 

Long before the existence of humankind, Kronos, leader of the Titans, feared a prophecy that one day, one of his sons would overthrow him in power. 

Kronos demanded that his wife Rhea hand over every child she gave birth to. He would then swallow them whole, suppressing their existence in his belly. 


This pained Rhea who desperately wanted her children to live. But she found her courage. After giving birth to Zeus, she wrapped a rock in cloth and handed it to Kronos, who swallowed it whole. 


She hid Zeus on the island of Crete. Some say he was put in a cave; other myths insist Zeus was placed in a cradle, suspending him between Earth, sea and sky thus making him invisible to his father. There, a golden dog circled the cradle protectively, snarling at approaching wolves while a nymph nursed him. 


And as Zeus was secretly raised, he stared up at the stars as he patiently plotted. 


The Uprising of Gods 

When he was old enough, he rescued his siblings (by tricking his father) and led them and divine allies in rebellion against the Titans: the Titanomachy. 

Moments before the first battle, Zeus looked up and saw an eagle circling above. He interrupted this as a positive omen. With that, he let out a thunderous war cry that was echoed by the divine army. They charged the terrifying enemy. 


The battle was long and difficult. 

But together they defeated the enemy and succeeded in bringing peace to a world of violence. After the war, Zeus shared the world with his brothers.  

Poseidon took the water.  

Hades took the underworld.  

And Zeus became the sky dweller, the cloud gatherer, The Olympian, father of Gods and Father of Men and created the Pantheon of the Twelve Gods of Olympus.  


He sat on his throne, with an eagle perched on his shoulder, and astutely oversaw the conduct of all civilized life. 


The Eagle became a symbol of strength, courage, and justice. 



The Place Zeus Loved Best 

Far out in Epirus, where the land is pure and geography speaking, much of what we see today, is similar to that of Ancient Greece. 


Nestled deep in the vast forest and surrounded by mountains is Dodona, where it was said the first prophetic utterances of the world took place. Zeus loved these people; they were content with simplicity and believed deeply in the power of truth. They would even listen to a rock or an oak, provided it only spoke true. 


Over time a temple and theater were dedicated to him. Seeking omens, Priestesses would walk barefoot and listen to the rustle of leaves and observe the flight of birds overhead. 


And then came a prophecy: one of Zeus' own children would surpass him in power. 


The Wrath of Zeus 

Evoking the anger of Zeus, a man stole a golden statue of a dog from Crete – a golden statue that was a tribute to the dog who guarded Zeus as a baby. Zeus turned the thief to stone while a priest retrieved the statue and returned it to its rightful place. 


Strange weather was swarming the Greek inland. Flowers and trees were dying. After sending his eagle to investigate, Zeus discovered the Telchines, small evil magicians, spinning magic on a nearby island. Zeus sank the island and flowers and trees returned to the inland. 


King Salmoneus, a conceited King, liked to impersonate Zeus, would ride a chariot while ordering his servants to imitate thunder by striking drums. Citizens were forced to bow in worship. A lightning bolt shot from a clear blue sky, striking Salmones dead. 




 Turbulent Lust 

Weakness or strength or human nature? Much to the dismay (and often wrath) of his wife Hera, Zeus had a free spirited, teenaged-boy-like wandering eye for women – a beautiful woman was his turbulent weakness. 


His choices in affairs were often dangerous, yet caused a chain reaction and enriched the realm with new nymphs, gods, and goddesses. If we should open our minds and read between words, there is much to learn. 


Naming a few: 


Mnemosyne, the goddess of Memory, was seduced by Zeus. He lay with her for nine nights and she bore the nine Muses, who had knowledge of the ancient past, would speak to the musicians, poets, historians, and so much more. 


Asteria, a Titan Goddess, was relentlessly pursued by Zeus. In desperation, she leapt from the sky and metamorphosed into the island of Delos. 


Zeus fell in love with Leto, another Titan Goddess. While pregnant with his children, she frantically ran from Hera's wrath and searched the world for a safe place to give birth. She finally gave birth to twins, Apollo, and Artemis, on the island of Delos. 


Like Father, Like Son?  

Metis, the Goddess of Good Counsel, was impregnated by Zeus. Zeus however learned of a prophecy that Metis was destined to birth a son who would overthrow him in power. As his father had done to his siblings, Zues swallowed Metis whole. But she still gave birth, and later Zeus was hit by a terrible headache. Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, burst out of his head fully grown and armored, spear in hand and shouted a war cry, daring all to challenge her.  


Zeus immediately loved her, and she became his favorite child, often seeking her council. 





Zeus was trying to break out of the pattern. His father, a Titan, was power hungry and controlling. Though some of these traits are echoed in the mythology of Zeus, there are lessons here – lessons that he seemed conscious and sometimes stubborn. 


But still, I believe, his light shines brighter than his past. He held a deep hatred of liars and oath breakers. He was an advocate for travelers – no matter ethnicity or privilege, he insisted on hospitality to all, and took travelers under his protection. 


And that is progress.

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